FW: Polygamy [ASDnet] Question for women

Kelley kwalker2 at gte.net
Wed Feb 13 09:33:55 PST 2002

At 08:57 AM 2/13/02 -0800, Thomas Seay wrote:

>Now, what's up with that? Is it freudian (the women
>seeking out their bad fathers)? Is it sociobiological
>(seeing aggressive males as better protectors)? I
>would like some HONEST discussion around this and not
>just PC blathering.

here's some for ya Thomas: shove it.

after that, why don't you point out the PC blathering, point by point. you are attacking Hakki and Chuck Grimes. So please draw us a picture of what PC blathering is, based on their text.

After that, someone my actually trust you to be interested in a discussion, not spewing.

dont even THINK about writing me offlist, because I won't respond to you.



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