Selfish genes & population demographics

Luke Weiger lweiger at
Tue Feb 19 16:07:51 PST 2002

----- Original Message ----- From: "joanna bujes" <joanna.bujes at> To: <lbo-talk at> Sent: Tuesday, February 19, 2002 9:44 AM Subject: Selfish genes & population demographics

> Idea 1: Culture is bigger than nature. Concentrating capital (by having
> fewer children) is more important than broadcasting genes (by having lots
> of children).
> Idea 2: Culture is bigger than nature. Having lots of children is a
> class/ethnic thing. Having few is a sign of "class".
> Idea 3: Rich women do not want to be perceived as heifers but as perfect
> objects. Childbirth "ruins" your figure....and sometimes your sex life.
> Joanna

My idea: desiring sex used to be enough to ensure plenty of procreation. However, when sex and consequent child birth are no longer conjoined, the sex drive no longer "works" as a procreative mechanism. References to culture are superfluous.

-- Luke

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