marxist sociology

michael pugliese debsian at
Wed Feb 20 12:31:34 PST 2002

See the chapter by Richard Flacks in one of the two volumes edited by B. Ollman and E. Vernoff in the 80's," The Left Academy: marxist Scholarship on American campuses, " for harper & Row, if memory serves. Flacks updated his paper for a volume edited by maurice zeitlin (again, if memory serves) published by the same publisher that puts out the research in political economy annual volumes edited by Paul Zarembka. (How's that for a reference?!)

Older book by Goran Therborn, "Science, Class and Society, " from Verso, still useful as are some articles on marxism and radical sociology by Alvin Gouldner in, "For Sociology." (howazzat for a dig at althusser's, "For Marx.") Michael Pugliese, for nohboody!

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