|| -----Original Message-----
|| From: pms
|| So you don't think there's any possibility that the attacks
|| were meant as
|| warnings to certain people?
Highly unlikely. Warnings usually take the form of death threats making some sort of demand on the victim and followed up by some sort of aggression to demonstrate that the threat can be made good. You don't send a warning by mailing the victim the most lethal anthrax ever made. That's terrorism. The targets chosen only show that the perps are right-wingers (the media are all liberal and the dems are godless traitors, hence choice targets), and not very smart ones. They probably thought a lot of people would die so they targeted the bad guys, and sent Daschle the most potent stuff.
There was already an effort to finger Iraq with the disinfo that Atta met an Iraqi diplomat. The anthrax attack was meant to demonize Iraq even more, but it's backfired so badly that the FBI has to further tarnish its already tattered image by blocking the investigation.