Terrorism, Reaction, and Possible Competing Imperialisms,was Re: Robert Wade

Paul Prescod paul at prescod.net
Sun Jan 6 18:01:21 PST 2002

Carrol Cox wrote:
> Paul Prescod wrote:
> >
> > Carrol Cox wrote:
> > >
> > >...
> > >
> > >(Hence the shameful efforts of
> > > apologists for imperialism to wrap their motives in crocodile tears for
> > > the victims of 911.)
> >
> > Carrol Cox wrote:
> > > Name names. I object sharply to this sort of shit. Within _any_
> > > grouping, no matter how defined, there will always be assholes.
> >
> Name names when it is fellow members of the left who are being
> discussed. I wouldn't want to clutter a post with a list of all the u.s.
> presidents, secretaries of defense, treasury, state, attorney generals,
> chiefs of staff, assistant secretaries of the treasury, imf
> representatives, members of the Senate & House foreign relations and
> military committees, editorial writers for all the major newspapers,
> cia/fbi agents, police chiefs, etc etc etc for the last 50 years.

We're not talking about the last 50 years. You are claiming that people *today* are pretending to be effected by the catastrophe of September 11 but really have other reasons for their actions. Isn't that what "crocodile tears" means? In my mind, you are essentially accusing them of inhumanity, in that anybody with a heart would be affected. Now there is no doubt that there are people in the world without a heart and that some of them (probably disproportionately many) are in positions that might allow them to be "apologists for imperialism." But I'm asking who *you* were talking about.

I ask, because I don't see demonizing one's opponents as being any better in a rhetorical context than in a military one.

Paul Prescod

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