Mark Twain on economic issues

/ dave / arouet at
Fri Jan 18 14:13:43 PST 2002

Carl Remick wrote:

> Seems I underrated Twain's targeting of capitalism. He certainly enjoyed
> speculating though -- but then again, didn't Marx on occasion?

Isn't it something of a tradition, regardless of politics? Notwithstanding the obvious contradictions that would inevitably invite criticism, there seems to be something intrinsic to speculation and the like that draws creative, outside-the-box types - lefties included - who can't bear the thought of earning their living laboring for "the Man" if they can help it. Undoubtedly said individuals would especially appreciate the relative autonomy and flexible schedule (but really, who wouldn't...). It seems far easier to rationalize Marx's or Twain's participation in said activities given their contributions to humanity, but there are plenty of paradoxes there too.


/ dave /

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