>> Slovenia is supposed to be the >>one country to emerge
>> from the breakup doing
>> the best at recovery. Why? It's >>not yet a full
>> democracy, is it? It hasn't
>> completely privatized its >>economy, has it? Is it
>> getting by because of
>> foreign aid from places like >>Austria? Or are market
>> economics working their
>> magic again?
Reply came as:
>I would imagine that the major >reason is that they
>escaped the war.
I would imagine it's time to get back into deep irony mode--it's the only way to take this list. So for the most part did Croatia, Croatia scores higher on right-wing indexes of 'freedom', etc, etc. Yet Slovenia's economy has done much better. Economic recovery from a war , by the way, can bring remarkably rapid growth, since the starting baseline is so depressed.
Charles Jannuzi
PS: more on Slovenia in the near future