Hitchens, Bush, expectations

Peter K. peterk at enteract.com
Sun Jan 20 11:38:09 PST 2002

>Wow. Someone should unleashing Christopher Hitchens on the
author of
>this apologetic hackery.

Someone should unleash Hitchens? Arguing that the President has exceeded the lowest possible expectations and that he isn't as bad as Aschcroft isn't exactly apologetic in my book.


"Mr Bush is still one of the most unqualified people ever to have run for the highest office, let alone to have attained it. There will never come a time when he reads for pleasure or takes a serious interest in another country."


"One of his closest associates told me that Bush's conservatism was a startling thing to behold, something innate and instinctive. (He meant it admiringly.) To this President, it is an axiom that the rich are the means of elevating the poor, and that it is therefore the rich who need elevation. "


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