"Central "Planning is really Holistic Planning.

Joe R. Golowka joeG at ieee.org
Sun Jan 20 12:50:14 PST 2002

> Joe R. Golowka wrote:
> > > So who will have the power to prevent bureaucracies from reappearing
> >we have
> >> anarchism?
> >
> >Everyone.
> And you don't see that as a problem?

No. Most of human history was lived like that. The Spanish & Ukrainian revolutions also show that it can work.

> If everyone is responsible, is anyone?

Everyone is responsible for their own actions.

> No division of labor in your utopia?

Not between decision makers and implementers, no. Other divisions of labor are fine, so long as they're voluntary.

> No mechanism of authority with accountability?

No hierarchical authority, period.

> When I hear things like this, I think
> of Nancy Folbre's critique of the Albert/Hahnel parecon model - it's
> a vision of life as one long student council meeting.

You don't have to go to any meetings if you don't want to.

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