Brad DeLong wrote:
> >If Lewontin thinks that sewage, sanitation, and the rest of public
> >health are not part of "western medicine," then he is one whacked-out
> >dude indeed...
> first, before we start bad-mouthing poor prof. lewontin, let me say that
> the above is my no doubt flawed recollection of his writings, so if you
> need to call someone names, aim your invectives at me! ;-)
> i think you are off on a tangent here. i can agree with you that sewage
> etc are a *part of* "western medicine" and avoid the deviation.
I don't know about Lewontin, but I've read descriptions of elaborate water and sewage systems which existed in the ancient world. As far as I know, the savants and governors of the West did not adopt such things until the 19th century, somewhat late in the day.
-- Gordon