DLC on protest

Chuck Grimes cgrimes at rawbw.com
Tue Jan 29 12:59:24 PST 2002

``Pithy news and commentary from the DLC.

...`Another World is Possible.' They're right, of course. But they should think hard, because if their ideas went into effect -- restricting international trade and investment, and weakening institutions like the WTO, IMF and World Bank -- that other world might look a lot like the Middle East.....''


Right. The solution the WTO/IMF/WB and the DLC promises is Enron.

I would really put emphasis on Enron as the prime example of neoliberalism's global economic model. For one thing it's true (always a minor point).

For all the billions that Enron sleazed out of the de-regulated free market casino on energy, they produced not one therm of energy---as in zero material production. They were a perfect model of neoliberal ecology on that score.

Of course there was all the human methane that must have accumulated in their imperial headquarters in Houston.

Thankfully they went to Allah, like all good Texans do, imploding in one giant blast of hot foul air, falling through their own asshole and hanging themselves.

Chuck Grimes

(Don't ask me what a therm is. I just pay for them.)

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