He's right. There are few signs that the movement is disappearing. Perhaps it is a bit hesitant about the WEF protests, but the IMF and World Bank are meeting in April. Plus, more and more activists are savvy about making local connections to neoliberalism. The Enron scandal will help, in that it will make the free market fundamentalists look bad.
Think they are consuming lots of antacid tablets at Cato these days?
<< Chuck0 >>
Infoshop.org -> http://www.infoshop.org/ Alternative Press Review -> http://www.altpr.org/ Practical Anarchy Online -> http://www.practicalanarchy.org/ Anarchy: AJODA -> http://www.anarchymag.org/ MutualAid.org -> http://www.mutualaid.org/ Factsheet 5 -> http://www.factsheet5.org/ AIM: AgentHelloKitty
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An American soldier in a hospital explained how he was wounded: He said, "I was told that the way to tell a hostile Vietnamese from a friendly Vietnamese was to shout To hell with Ho Chi Minh! If he shoots, hes unfriendly. So I saw this dude and yelled To hell with Ho Chi Minh! and he yelled back, To hell with President Johnson! We were shaking hands when a truck hit us."
(from 1,001 Ways to Beat the Draft, by Tuli Kupferburg).