Bush's steel tariff working out well

Chris Beggy news at kippona.com
Mon Jul 1 08:41:27 PDT 2002

Charles Jannuzi <b_rieux at yahoo.com> writes:

> It's just as I said when he made the decision.
> Higher steel prices, profits going to US
> producers, a big fucking over for surging
> Japanese auto producers, and takeover turmoil
> where divisions like Corus's Aluminum get sucked
> up by the cartelists.

Honda claims that the steel isn't available from US steelmakers, though, so US steelmakers don't stand to benefit. Maybe their claim is true, but it's also a classic way to lock out non-Japanese producers from their supply chain. The airlift scenario is real grandstanding. I wonder if Hill and Knowlton came up with that for Honda?

Do you really think Japan is a low cost steel producer, anyway?

> Good to see the 'free trade in rhetoric only
> spirit' of Kantor, Barchefsky, Rubin, Summers,
> Esserman, Fisher etc. lives on.

It does seem to require more political capital to jam bad trade deals down on unionized industries which also have many retirees who vote as well.


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