True Lies (WorldCom, Enron accounts, etc)

Carl Remick carlremick at
Fri Jul 5 12:35:54 PDT 2002

>From: "Daniel Davies" <dsquared at>
>>In other words, I'd argue that although the accounting profession
>itself in both cases, it did so because it abandoned its historical values.
>And it abandoned its historical values because *everyone* was abandoning
>them. And furthermore, that the misrepresentations of the published
>accounts by people who were fibbing on purpose were absolutely trivial
>compared to the misrepresentations of the whole world at the time by people
>who thought they were telling the truth.

Sad to say, no one trusts any numbers crunchers anymore, be they accountants or economists. Looks like the marketplace is thrust back on its last line of defense, artful rhetoric. At this point, I'm afraid only PR spinmeistery can get get investors out of their slough of despond and send those animal spirits soaring again ;-)


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