"Punishment"? Re: Centralization

Michael Pugliese debsian at pacbell.net
Mon Jul 8 08:24:13 PDT 2002

>Market Socialism was in Yugoslavia after WW2. It didn't seem to

If you say so. Looks pretty collapsed to me.

Bill Bartlett Bracknell Tas

Huge debts to the IMF incurred during the latter part of the Tito period, the acsension of Milosevic after he pushed out his mentor, the democratic Communist, Ivan Stambolic http://faculty.virginia.edu/setear/courses/howweget/milo.htm (assasinated a few yrs. ago, I'd say by the same cuddly folks that killed Arkan), the manipulation of long-standing ethno-religious nationalist myths derived from 1389, destroyed yugoslav socialism.

http://www.icjs.org/news/vol9/Sells.html News & Letters - The Journal of Marxist-Humanism - August/ ... ... A September 1999 article by Laura Secor in LINGUA FRANCA ... Most prominent among them has been Mihailo Markovic of the Praxis group, who already in 1990 was ... http://www.newsandletters.org/Issues/1999/Oct/10.99_olat.htm

Michael Pugliese

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