Globalization study: Less poverty, more equality

Joe R. Golowka joeG at
Mon Jul 8 13:57:55 PDT 2002

"according to a controversial new study released"

"It says that while there has been an increase in wealth inequality between the richest and poorest countries, this is primarily due to African economic stagnation, which may not be the result of globalization"

"In a foreward that broadly endorses the report's conclusions, Commission president Romano Prodi distances the Commission from some parts of the report, saying it could not concur with all the study's analysis"

"Looking at the claim that the wealth divide is now greater between rich and poor countries, the study admits that average incomes are wider between the two than ever"

The words: "controversial", "increase in wealth inequality", "could not concur", "study admits that.." shows this study to be a stab in the dark.

-- Joe R. Golowka JoeG at Anarchist FAQ -

"If the Nuremberg laws were applied today, then every Post-War American president would have to be hanged." - Noam Chomsky

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