our ecological foot print 2002

Ian Murray seamus2001 at attbi.com
Tue Jul 9 13:40:36 PDT 2002


The Living Planet Report is WWF's periodic update on the state of the world's ecosystems - as measured by the Living Planet Index - and the human pressures on them through the consumption of renewable natural resources - as measured by the Ecological Footprint. There is a cause-effect linkage between the two measures.


...current trends are moving humanity away from achieving this minimum requirement for sustainability, not towards it. The global ecological footprint has grown from about 70% of the planet's biological capacity in 1961 to about 120% of its biological capacity in 1999. Furthermore, future projections based on likely scenarios of population growth, economic development and technological change, show that humanity's footprint is likely to grow to about 180% to 220% of the Earth's biological capacity by the year 2050.

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