marshall nussbaum, corporate ethics counselor

Jeffrey Fisher jfisher at
Tue Jul 9 13:48:00 PDT 2002

on 7/9/02 3:29 PM, Justin Schwartz wrote:

>> "Into this mess strides the sheriff of the new world order: Martha Craven
>> Nussbaum. At 55, she is America's foremost philosopher, a title retired
>> since Ralph Waldo Emerson died in 1882."
>> one hardly knows where to start.
>> j
> Pierce?
> James?
> Dewey?
> Quine?
> Kuhn?
> Rawls?
> Rorty?

precisely my point . . .

> Still, it's nice to see someone nominate a woman foe the title.
i suppose so. otoh, it's only fast company, for cryin' out loud. ;-)

and all this leave aside where one starts on the "sheriff of the new world order" business . . . criminy. it's almost as if W had given her this nickname, along with doling one out to everyone else . . . but wouldn't *he* want to be sheriff?

j -- jeff fisher dilettante -- er, that's 'intellectual nomad'

"When in our age we hear these words: It will be judged by the result--then we know at once with whom we have the honor of speaking. Those who talk this way are a numerous type whom I shall designate under the common name of assistant professors." - Kierkegaard

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