The campaign begins...

joanna bujes joanna.bujes at
Thu Jul 11 09:59:34 PDT 2002

I friend writes.....

I haven't read Fisk's article yet, but your note reminds me that last night, while watching the "Joan of Arc" movie on TNT, I was treated to an anti-Palestinian commercial by some concocted outfit calling itself the Committee for Security, or something like that.

The ad was noteworthy for two reasons. First, because it appeared on an entertainment station, rather than CNN or one of the other news stations. In other words, it was political propaganda aimed at the widest possible audience. Secondly, the ad was explicitly and broadly anti-Palestinian rather than anti-PLO, anti-Arafat, or anti-terrorist. The content of the ad was clearly designed to make the amalgam, Palestinians = Terrorists. An ad like that would make no sense as a one-time standalone statement; it is almost certainly the beginning of a sustained and well-funded media propaganda campaign.

I think we're going to be seeing a lot more of this stuff, with the discreet collusion of people on high. (Why discreet? Because it is contrary to our government's official position of neutrality on internal ethnic groups.)

I wouldn't press the analogy with fascism, because that is largely a manifestation of capitalism-in-extremis. Rather, I think this is a campaign aimed at the American side of Israel's demographic time-bomb, namely, the entry of large numbers of Arab-Americans into active political life within the U.S.

Naturally, such a campaign will also (especially) target American Jewish leftists, who tend to shatter the facade of monolithic Jewish support of the official Israeli line. ------------------------------------ Anyone else see this kind of advertisement?


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