Bush - welfare queen

Doug Henwood dhenwood at panix.com
Thu Jul 25 16:08:18 PDT 2002

[via Sam Smith's Progressive Review]

>William Walker, TORONTO STAR - The challenges George Walker Bush faces now
>are much different from the ones he took on when he returned to Midland, the
>dusty west Texas town where his father had come a generation earlier to get
>into the oil business, and where George W. spent his boyhood. He came back
>in 1977, armed with a two-year M.B.A. degree from Harvard University, to try
>to get out from underneath his famous father's shadow. He had drifted
>aimlessly since graduating in 1968 from Yale, the alma mater of both his
>father and grandfather. Most of those lost years were spent partying
>prodigiously in Houston, chasing women and living in the Chateau Dijon
>apartments, which, by all accounts, resembled a fraternity house . . . How
>Bush arrived in Midland with $13,000 and left with $15 million offers an
>illuminating glimpse into America's influential elites.

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