disability population

Marta Russell ap888 at lafn.org
Fri Jul 26 16:55:03 PDT 2002

>At 01:35 PM 7/26/2002 -0700, marta wrote:
>Marta, I do not understand your logic. On the one hand, you seem to
>demand more services and a broad-based institutional approach to
>assist the disabled - which makes a lot of sense from where I stand.
>On the other hand, however, you seem to embrace various crackpot
>views denouncing the helping professions and institutions - which in
>my mind directly contradicts the first position. How can one help
>the disabled by denouncing the institutions designed to help them?
>Any clarification will be appreciated.

You have misunderstood me. I don't broad based support the institutions at all. In fact I regularly criticize them for being part of the power relations which oppress disabled persons. The fact that there is a bias towards institutional funding for nursing homes instead of towards community based supports which allow persons to remain in their homes is one such fight I and others are engaged in. I do critique the paternalism that goes hand in hand with the notion of "helping the disabled." There has been horrible horrible abuse of disabled persons in the name of "helping" them. Who designed the institutions? Do you really think that the state run institutions were "good" places to live? I suggest reading Wolf Wolfensberger on the medical model institutions for a start, though Michael Oliver is much better on disability matters -- way advanced beyond Wolfensberger's critique because he challenges normalizing. I am for oppressed groups empowering themselves. Foucalt was particularly good at revealing the power structure of institutional oppression.

Marta -- Marta Russell Los Angeles, CA http://www.disweb.org

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