Debt Deflation

Peter K. peterk at
Fri Jul 26 23:32:00 PDT 2002

>That's weird. If it's true it means there's a structural asymmetric bias to
>housing prices, since during a boom there's obviously no 20% ceiling to
>price increases, yet in a downturn there's a 20% floor to price drops.
>I wonder how many years of data this is based on.

Correct me if I'm wrong, Japan had a real estate bubble which popped and caused all sorts of problems. Everyone here is talking about housing, not real estate, although real estate would encompass housing, no? If the market continued to be in the doldrums for a few years and many folks moved their money into real estate, could that conceivably cause a bubble? If there is a 20% floor to housing price drops, perhaps a real estate market downdraft would knock it down further. What happened in Japan?


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