Marx on Greens

Yoshie Furuhashi furuhashi.1 at
Mon Jul 29 02:30:25 PDT 2002

At 12:00 AM +0530 7/29/02, Ulhas Joglekar wrote:
>Yoshie Furuhashi:
>> >Ulhas Joglekar :
>> >Sorry, I wasn't accurate. Famines have occurred in Asia in recent years.
>> >North Korea and Afghanistan have had famines.
>> >
>> >India eliminated famines 50 years ago.
>> >
>> >Ulhas
>> ***** Hunger: Old torments and new blunders
>> Amartya Sen
>> ...It is not that nothing has been achieved in India over the
>> half-century or more since independence in 1947. Positive things have
>> certainly happened. First, the rapid elimination of famines in India
>> with independence is an achievement of great importance (the last
>> sizeable famine occurred in 1943 - four years before independence),
>> and this is certainly an accomplishment that contrasts with the
>> failure of many other developing countries to prevent famine.
>I don't know what is Yoshi's point. That India has eliminated famines (my
>point above) is confirmed by this citation from Sen.
>If the point is about malnutrition (not the point Jim Heartfield made to
>which I responded), I have posted Jean Dreze's article (cited by Sen above)
>on both lbo-talk and Marxism long ago. See my two posts India: Starving the
>Poor published in The Hindu. These were posted by me on lbo list on 5 May,
>2002. I had posted the same article on Marxism list on 13 April, 2001. Yoshi
>could look up the archives.

I didn't mean to contradict your point about India's elimination of famines. I thought the two points Sen discusses are interesting and worthy of attention:

***** Not only are there persistent recurrences of severe hunger in particular regions (the fact that they don't grow into full-fledged famines does not arrest their local brutality), but there is also a gigantic prevalence of endemic hunger across much of India. Indeed, India does much worse in this respect than even Sub-Saharan Africa. *****


***** We are evidently determined to maintain, at heavy cost, India's unenviable combination of having the worst of undernourishment in the world and the largest unused food stocks on the globe. *****

Why has India done better than many other developing nations in eliminating famines at the same time as having created the worst mal-nourishment problem in the world? It's not the lack of food, obviously, as Sen also notes that it has "the largest unused food stocks on the globe." It's a problem of class and gender relations, as Sen argues. I think his remarks on the dangers of "a little bit of equity" (price support for farmers, without enough income support for the poor who suffer from high food prices, plus a food politics in which interests of big farmers are covered up by the rhetoric of support for small farmers) should be paid attention to. -- Yoshie

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