Question for the list

J James jimmyjames at
Mon Jul 29 21:19:03 PDT 2002

At 03:19 AM 7/30/02 +0000, Justin Schwartz wrote:

>>I've read quite a bit in the past decade about the ways in which the comely
>>are treated better (and, in some rare instances, worse) in social settings
>>than their homelier peers... I was wondering if anyone knew of studies
>>investigating whether or not those exhibiting high levels of other generally
>>esteemed traits like intelligence or altruism are similarly rewarded.
>>-- Luke
>I would imagine that once you get out of junior high, the intelligent,
>however that is measured, are treated better; the altrustic, however that
>is measured, are probably taken advantage of. They might not mind though. jks

IMNSHE, they usually listen politely when you use the word 'comely' and then fall over themselves snickering when you leave the room.


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