Why India needs transgenic crops

ChrisD(RJ) chrisd at russiajournal.com
Wed Jul 31 06:25:56 PDT 2002

Ulhas: Even a middle class family can not afford to buy a small flat, since the land prices are prohibitive in big cities of India. Millons live in slums, pavements etc. Who can afford a tiny plot for farming? ------------- Me: How much are rental prices in India, in, say, the suburbs (assuming India has suburbs in the US sense of the term)? Also, how easy is it to get land? In Russia, it's in effect free (very low population density) assuming you're not too picky about where you want to do whatever it is you're going to do with it.

I must say that Russian food, which is harvested using a relatively low level of technological development and not loaded with pesticides, is leaps and bounds better that American food. I swear I never tasted real meat before I came here. Kaluga chicken is delicious. Sellers get accused on occasion of trying to foist crappy American produce on consumers, claiming its domestic and selling at the higher domestic price.

Chris Doss The Russia Journal

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