The Corporation and Test Acts

michael pugliese debsian at
Tue Jun 4 10:37:00 PDT 2002

Jacob>...The Long March through The Institutions, eh?

The one time I saw Allen Ginsburg read (accomponied by a luscious look alike of Bob Dylan circa 1962) a hippie just back from the Rainbow Gathering asked him why he had formal dress on. He said that a New Left politico pal in 1970 or so had said that his arguments would at least get a hearing from the mainstream if he put on a suit and tie. Could have had some beneficial effect, Allen said that a longtime NYT correspondent (one of the Sulzbergers,, if memory serves) told him that he agreed, now, with the case derived from such works as, "The Politics of Heroin in S.E. Asia, " by Alfred McCoy on the CIA and drug running.

The rainbow Gathering guy curled his nose.

BTW, anyone have a URL for the source of this phrase? I think it was said by "Red Rudi" Deutschke, in the early 70's. An unfortunately forgotten figure these days, his book in German on Lukacs and Lenin is one I've always thought s/b translated.

Another, btw, neo-con, Roger Kimball, has a book of that name, published by Ivan R. Dee pubs. in Chicago taken from his essays in The New Criterion. Ivan R. Dee publishes a wide range of books, mostly from leftish viewpoints but, they mix it up w/some from neo-cons. One of their latests is by Athan Theoharis on the FBI and counter-intelligence during the Cold War. His earlier works on McCarthyism helped to establish the academic left consensu on the period. Michael Pugliese, who has worn a suit and tie, like a dozen times, max...calls ties, "corporate chockholds..."

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