NJ Dems Supporting Unions

Nathan Newman nathan at newman.org
Wed Jun 12 13:08:36 PDT 2002

With the Democratic retaking of the state assembly and governor's seat in New Jersey, a whole set of pro-union policies are moving forward. In the last two days, there was a one-two punch of Governor McGreevey approving an (see http://www.pressofatlanticcity.com/news/newjersey/061202LABOR1.html) executive order banning sweatshops for state uniforms or other contracts and the state assembly appropriations committee (see http://www.nj.com/statehouse/ledger/index.ssf?/base/news-0/1023786627290952. xml) pushed forward a pro-union labor bill. . Just a note on the real differences between the parties on core labor issues.

Nathan Newman nathan at newman.org http://www.nathannewman.org http://www.nathannewman.org/log/ (News & Views WebLog)

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