
Justin Schwartz jkschw at
Fri Jun 14 10:53:53 PDT 2002

>At 03:33 PM 6/14/2002 +0000, justin wrote:
>>Nor so. That's not a civil liberties infringmenr. Does it make you feel
>>better that thousands of people are being held incommunicado for months
>>without being charged, that lawyers are indictedfor counselling their
>>clients, that the cops can search your house in secret without a warrant?
>>That's police state stuff.
>I am yet to see that happening. Or to be more precise, there are cases of
>abuse of power by the police, but I am yet to see that happening in a
>systematic way.

Every one of those events and policies I mentioned is real. USAPA is real. Thousands are detained on no more basis than their nationality (so fara s we know). Lynne Stewart is under indictment. Padilla is in detention as an unlawful combatant, and won't be charged. Isn;t there a pattern emerging here? And don't you think the indefinite detention incommunicado of thousands is systenatic? Now you are sounding like an old-style apparatchik who admits that maybe the KGB gets out of hand sometimes, but there's no policy, no. jks

Furthermore, there is a difference
>between investigation and harassment - it is one thing to conduct an
>investigation of a group identified as high risk, and another thing to
>harass that group.
>>So, better fascist than free?
>I do not think this is a real possibility in this country in any meaningful
>sense. If this country faces any real danger, it is anarcho-individualism
>of the I-have-the-goddam-right-to-do-whatever-I-want-and-do-it-in-your-face

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