
pms laflame at aaahawk.com
Sun Jun 16 08:38:18 PDT 2002

>From a too stupid to be true point of view, Watergate could have been a
cheap, easy way to put a stop to those crazy minimum income and other(?) social welfare programs that were put forward by the Nixon Administration. Some earth-moving changes had been accomplished The end of the Gold standard, which I think was a big deal at the time though it's hard to fathom now. The slaughter of generations of Asians who aspired to goals other than pillaging their countries resources for personal gain. Kissinger got laid a lot. And of course, the opening to China which is just now bearing fruit ripe enough for the Thugs.

Anyone know where I can learn about the money side of the Nixon admin. Maybe what I'm looking for is an economic history of the last years of the boom that ended in the late sixties through now, but with a lot about what Nixon did.

Also any info of where to learn more about James Baker, the real Forrest Gump.

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