Gold buggies hit the Russia Journal

ChrisD(RJ) chrisd at
Mon Jun 17 23:21:32 PDT 2002

I am so sorry, this is not my fault, I can't believe we published this. I said at the time that I wash my hands.

Chris Doss The Russia Journal ------------------ pms wrote:

Bush war has heart of gold Central banks all over the world have supposedly conspired to maintain furiously high, Enron-type derivative short positions against gold to keep it in an artificial bear market for, oh, say, the last couple of decades.

Independent sources say the problem is the value of gold reserves in nearly all the world's central banks is about even with the derivative shorts held by roughly the same banks, at $320 per ounce. So, theoretically, if a margin call were to come in today, central banks would have to pay out all gold in all their reserves worldwide.

According to a recent International Monetary ...................con't ---------

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