Plato's Republic

ChrisD(RJ) chrisd at
Fri Jun 21 04:37:11 PDT 2002

It's not just that -- concern with doxa and becoming is a positive thing for Heidegger. Being's absconsion began with Plato and the determination of Being as object of contemplation (I gotta say I think Martin's on to something here).

While we're on the subject, the early Heidegger is chock full of Aristotle. Being and Time is full of the Stagirite. It wouldn't be too far off the mark to describe BT as some kind of wierd fusion of Aristotle, Kant and Protestant theology (I think the influence of Husserl is overrated)..

Heidegger managed, after years, to convince Husserl that Aristotle was the first and greatest of phenomenologists. He was basically right.

Chris Doss The Russia Journal ----------------------------
>Heidegger is big on rehabilitating the sophists, by the way, though of
>course for different reasons.

He likes em because they're obsure and cryptic, like him.


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