Primakov doctrine

Chris Doss chrisd at
Tue Mar 12 23:48:16 PST 2002

Probably should have been clearer -- I was perplexed as to why Cohen doesn't even mention India.

Chris Doss The Russia Journal ------------------

From: Chris Doss <chrisd at>

Subject: RE: Primakov doctrine

> > I'm perplexed about something, though. In discussions in Russia, the
> proposed member in the Russia-China-X triad is almost always identified as
> India, not Iran of all things.
> Anybody out there with some knowledge of Indian foreign policy have any
> comments?

I am not sure what is perplexing about this. India was the closest ally of the Soviet Union during the Cold war. It was China that was in the US camp. India's relations with Russia retains importance even today. I am skeptical about the prospects of the so- called Triad (Russia, China and India), but that's a different matter. What Iran has to offer Russia?


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