Russian chicken

Chris Doss chrisd at
Tue Mar 12 23:55:30 PST 2002

Why is it that you can pop Russian meat into the fridge and it'll stay good for a long time, whereas the importaed American stuff goes bad with lightning speed? Is it some kind of wierd corruption of the flesh due to chemical use or something?

Chris Doss The Russia Journal ------------------

Date: Tue, 12 Mar 2002 19:44:15 +0000 (GMT) From: "=?iso-8859-1?q?Cian=20O'Connor?=" <cian_oconnor at> Subject: Re: Russian chicken

Well its also produced with various growth hormones, anti-biotics and all the other horrors of industrialised farming - as well as cramming tens of chickens to a cage. It tastes fcking terrible, probably kills you, creates antibiotic immune bacteria, but you sure can produce a lot of it.

- --- Chuck Grimes <cgrimes at> wrote: >
> I understand that it's crap,(at least I do now) I
> just don't understand how
> it's cheaper. Even our underpaid chicken plant
> workers would make a lot more
> that Iranians, I would think. pms

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