al-Qaeda and Taliban

Hakki Alacakaptan nucleus at
Thu Mar 21 07:38:50 PST 2002

|| -----Original Message-----

|| From: Michael Pollak

|| Anyway, it looks like what happened was some of them were in

|| Florida. In

|| itself, that's not so weird -- there is literally a half a million

|| Israelis in this country, and a lot of them like the sun. And they were

|| acting suspicious, and they were networked all over the country (they're

|| all kids the same age, making the same trip in the same country

|| in the age

|| of email, and trading notes on the art of scamming on top of that), so

|| they got picked up. There was clearly suspicion on the part of

|| the FBI, I

|| don't think there's any doubt about that. But the odds seem to be that

|| these guys were basically in the same boat as young arab middle

|| easterners

|| on September 12th -- wrong place, wrong time, tiny venal sin made them

|| look suspicious, and they got fucked. Immeasurably less fucked than if

|| they'd been Arabs, no doubt about that. But fucked nonetheless.


So Israelis like the sun and they got racially profiled, is it? Thanks for the laugh, but have you actually read any of the reports? Dasquie says he's got all the names, ranks, and serial numbers of intelligence operatives. He's lying, right? How bout this from the Telegraph: Sheet=/news/2002/03/07/ixworld.html (...) The DEA report said most of the students questioned by American investigators acknowledged having served in units of the Israeli armed forces specialising in military intelligence, electronic signals interception or explosive ordnance. (...)

You guys are burying your heads not to see the 200 arrests, whereas in fact these are only a decoy, a saturation attack to cover the real operation.


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