>From an interview with Norman Finkelstein:
"Dr David Rabeeya (Iraqi born American rabbi), talks of a
caste system in Israeli society, where the Arabs are clearly at
the bottom, but also the non European Jews are considered
to be of lesser value. He claims that the wholesale
importation of Russian Jews was to ensure the demographic
majority of secular European Jews over their Sephardic
countrymen for generations to come.
There is some truth to that, because a large percentage of
the so-called 'Russian Jews' are not Jewish. In recent years,
it has been more than 50%, and the reason why is because
the Israeli establishment likes the blue eyed, blonde haired
Aryan types as a racial group. The Russians look right even if
they are not Jewish, and they preserve the Ashkenazi elite's
Full interview: http://www.counterpunch.org/finkelstein1.html