Russian Israelis

Bradford DeLong jbdelong at
Fri Mar 22 10:55:48 PST 2002

>I did read the interview on the posted link. There are some bothersome
>parts, but he's been f**cked over pretty bad. We have some non-trivial
>things in common. I'd buy him a drink...

He has been f**cked over pretty badly and unfairly. But life is to short to have a drink with anyone who uses "Aryan" and "Israel" in the same paragraph. This:

"There is some truth to that, because a large percentage of

the so-called 'Russian Jews' are not Jewish. In recent years,

it has been more than 50%, and the reason why is because

the Israeli establishment likes the blue eyed, blonde haired

Aryan types as a racial group. The Russians look right even if

they are not Jewish, and they preserve the Ashkenazi elite's


is the kind of thing that David Irving would say...

Brad DeLong

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