Flouncing chuckie huff

Dennis Perrin dperrin at comcast.net
Sat Mar 23 06:34:09 PST 2002

> I can tolerate a criminal like those in al-quaida rather more than
> Bernadine Dohrn, Jeff Jones, or those snots that fell for SLA. They did
> far more for reaction than a dozen al-quaidas could do.
> Carrol

Really? In the grand scheme of things, you'd take al-Qaeda over Weatherman? Not much of a choice, I know, but at least with the latter there's hope that reason could set in. Not so with the former.

I think you overestimate Weather's impact and influence. And besides, other than themselves, Weather didn't kill anyone, and certainly didn't commit mass murder. Another obvious difference with those you choose to tolerate.


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