Questions for Justin and Luke

Carrol Cox cbcox at
Sun Mar 24 16:48:46 PST 2002

Chuck Grimes wrote:
> On the other hand, if it is only a question of power, might makes
> right, then what of humanism, social justice, and progressive reform?

a. It is only a question of power: the proposition that might makes right is in fact a trivial tautology.

b. To pose the question as you do badly distorts it, because it vaporizes the _real_ question, of where does power come from. Nazism was defeated because in fact it was politically weaker than the coalition of its opponents. Had it been politically strong enough to enlist a large minority of u.s. residents on its side it would have won the war. etc etc etc etc

I think Engels' Introduction to the first German edition of POP is extremely good on this.


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