Russia, Ukraine, CIS

joanna bujes joanna.bujes at
Thu Mar 28 14:50:03 PST 2002

At 02:53 PM 03/28/2002 -0500, Hakki wrote:

>"The peoples of Eastern Europe believed they were going to keep all the
>social gains they had enjoyed under communism while adding on all the
>consumerism of the West.(...) Expecting to advance from Second World to
>First World status, they have been rammed into the Third World, ending up
>like capitalist Indonesia, Mexico, Zaire, and Turkey. They wanted it all and
>ended up with almost nothing."
>IMO they did gain one thing through their ordeal: Poltical consciousness.

I haven't read Parenti. I was just extrapolating from personal experience.

Did they gain political consciousness? That would be a happy ending.

What does IMO mean?


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