Russia, Ukraine, CIS

Hakki Alacakaptan nucleus at
Fri Mar 29 00:42:17 PST 2002

|| From: joanna bujes

|| >IMO they did gain one thing through their ordeal: Poltical

|| consciousness.



|| I haven't read Parenti. I was just extrapolating from personal

|| experience.


|| Did they gain political consciousness? That would be a happy ending.


|| What does IMO mean?


|| Joanna


In My Opinion, which is not saying much in ths case. I just have this hypothesis that the well-educated peoples of the former SU have seen that both real socialism and capitalism just serve the interests of the same nomenclatura, with capitalism coming off a little worse bec it lets all the global raiders in. Chris Doss's post on the 26th (RUSSIAN MENTALITY: UNCERTAINTY AND FATALISM) shows most Russians don't want to participate in bandit capitalism, preferring to remain poor and clean. They favor social solidarity rather than unbridled self-interest. They want the state to step in and give them jobs. The Pravda article sees these as symptoms of the psychological trauma caused by the collapse of the SU and the persistence of atavistic attitudes. I don't see what claiming one's right to work has to do with psychology or atavism.


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