|| -----Original Message-----
|| From: Ian Murray
|| They are rewriting
|| the lyrics to Edwin Starr's classic
|| peace anthem. Now it goes: "War! Hurr! What is it good for?
|| Approval ratings for national leaders,
|| yeah! War! Hurr! What is it good for? Deflecting attention from
|| complex domestic problems! Say it
|| again!"
Ooh, that's fun. Lemme see if I can think up some _without_ losing the beat: - Occupying Central Asia - Selling Caspian oil to China - General Dynamics - Raytheon and Boeing - Forgetting about Enron - Getting Dubya reelected - Forgetting he's not elected - Drilling in the arctic - Ripping off the workers - Plundering Social Security - Blowing it on Star Wars
|| So our prime minister should explain to Bush that Britain can
|| only go to war in extreme
|| circumstances and when very precise criteria have been met.
|| "I'm sorry George, but Britain can only
|| bomb or invade a country where the leader has not been
|| democratically elected and where the regime
|| has recently executed British citizens. Oh no, hang on, that's
|| America isn't it? We'd better think
|| this out again."
Great idea for a movie. A lone, funny, peak-prowed British carrier and the QE2 steaming off to invade the US: The Return of the Mouse that Roared. Wonderful humor, ROTFL my ass off.