Upton Sinclair, The Brass Check

Dennis Perrin dperrin at comcast.net
Wed May 1 20:22:50 PDT 2002

> The LA Times is a much better paper now that it's "corporate" and not
> run by the Chandler family anymore.
> Doug

I was talking about (or at least thinking about) smaller outlets than those owned by the Chandlers, Pulliams, Hearsts and McCormicks. Of course those family-owned papers were as bad, if not worse, than some of the grubbier corporate mouthpieces. In fact, I was thinking about the flood of 17th and 18th century revolutionary pamphlets and independent publishers that were decidedly pre-Marxist-Leninist, a mindset our dear Carrol clearly reveres. Since this explosion set the stage for and eventually defined the Enlightenment, and since it was pre-Marx, does celebrating it constitute apologetics for capitalism?


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