Chuck Munson chuck at tao.ca
Sat May 4 09:28:33 PDT 2002

jacdon at earthlink.net wrote:
> Chuck0 wrote:
> >I'm not one of those who is interested in "building the left," mainly
> >because this abstract phrase is a codeword for "building authoritarian
> >sectarian parties." Don't like the fire, Jack? Things have changed.
> Unfortunately, things have not changed enough. The same sectors of the
> left which seemed to direct most of their fire at others on the left, to
> the detriment of the struggle against the actual enemy, appear to have
> learned nothing and forgotten nothing for the last hundred years. For
> the anarchist sector, the compelling need to focus upon and excoriate
> Marxism has been going on for 150 years. Your disinterest in building
> the left is entirely clear. Very little has changed in this respect.

Ahh, but we all have learned something in the past 100 years. The brand of communism you advocate leads down bloody paths to the gulag or the Maoist re-education camp. Authoritarian communism has a proven track record that is all too obvious.

Do I think that authoritarian communists will ever wield power like that again? No. But those misguided people who cling to these discredited ideologies can be a big annoyance to those of us who seek a different path.

This is about who are our comrades on the path and who are false comrades, i.e. real enemies. As far as I'm concerned, the WWP and its assorted front groups are just as much my enemy as the bigger enemies I fight against.

<< Chuck0 >>

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"...ironically, perhaps, the best organised dissenters in the world today are anarchists, who are busily undermining capitalism while the rest of the left is still trying to form committees."

-- Jeremy Hardy, The Guardian (UK)

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