Well, for starters, I never read any Marx, Lenin, or just about any of the classical Marxist. I'm sure you are all wondering how I ever got an M.A. degree without ever reading The Communist Manifesto, but I got an art degree that never required that I take Western Civ. I've always wanted to spend some time reading more of the communist and socialist classics.
Hell, I haven't read most of the anarchist classics for that matter.
I started reading Empire several months ago and had also picked up Harry Cleaver's "Reading Capital Politically." I just finished a new Chomsky book and got the urge to read some Adam Smith.
As far as conservatives go, I can't think of anything I'd want to read, save for some of the right-wing libertarians.
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"...ironically, perhaps, the best organised dissenters in the world today are anarchists, who are busily undermining capitalism while the rest of the left is still trying to form committees."
-- Jeremy Hardy, The Guardian (UK)