Terror, etc.

Carrol Cox cbcox at ilstu.edu
Tue May 7 14:59:13 PDT 2002

Justin Schwartz wrote:
> >
> [Quoting Someone:]
> >Moreover, to the extent that genocide remains a human practice, it will
> >require a substantial amount of international firepower to end such
> >atrocities when the offending nation is itself modestly powerful.

The chief genocidal threat (directly or through its various pawns) is the U.S. Until that threat is removed from the world it is childish to talk about removing other threats. In the one case, it seems, in which the U.S. might have prevented genocide, that of Rwanda, the U.S. quite consciously refused.

The U.S. simply is not going to use its military power for humane ends. That has to be one's point of departure in thinking of a possible progressive movement in the United States itself.


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