re Jon Stewart

Doug Henwood dhenwood at
Thu May 9 20:58:44 PDT 2002

So what's this mean? Is Cosby a closet Red?


Max B. Sawicky wrote:

>Cosby said the same thing on Arsenio.
>I remember it clearly; wasn't often you heard
>Aptheker's name on a network tv show.
>One of my greatest shocks on TV came a few years ago when I saw Bill Cosby
>interviewed by, I think, Larry King. Cosby was asked what American writer or
>political figure he admired most. King probably expected him to say Martin
>Luther King or something. Instead, Cosby thought a minute and replied --
>Herb Aptheker, calling him one of the greatest historians of the African
>American experience. King just went "hmmm" and went on to other things. That
>raised my approval rating for Bill Cosby about a hundred points.

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