Robert Fisk: There is a solution to this filthy war - foreignoccupation

Peter K. peterk at
Sat May 11 08:38:52 PDT 2002

>So I'll make a rash, fearful prediction. After Bosnia and Kosovo and

>East Timor, we have grown tired of regional wars. And I think that,
>in time, we will close down the Middle East war. With Russian and EU
>and UN support, there will, eventually, be American and Nato troops
>in Jerusalem. There will be a Western protection force in the West
>Bank and Gaza - and in Israel. The Israeli and Palestinian armies
>will have to return to barracks. Jerusalem will be an international
>city. The Palestinians will have security. So will the Israelis.
>Yes, it will be a form of international colonialism. Yes, it will mean
>foreign occupation for both sides. But it will put an end to this
>filthy war.

Maybe this is the best "we" can hope for? Any comments from the peanut gallery?


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