Welfare State

Nathan Newman nathan at newman.org
Sat May 11 12:08:39 PDT 2002

----- Original Message ----- From: "Micheal Ellis" <onyxmirr at earthlink.net>

>Since a large chunk of the deficits pays for the non-defense parts of the
>budget, you can't count all debt as non-aid for the average voter. And a
>large portion of defense is payroll for soldiers and for the pay of defense
>workers, not by favorite forms of job programs, but not going directly into
>the pockets of corporate profits either.

-what is a "large chunk" exactly? do you know the specific numbers on that?

On the debt part of the budget, there are different ways to assess what part of past spending is incorporated the debt, but since most of the debt was created in the 1980s, you could probably fairly attribute debt as a percentage of military versus domestic spending, so about one-third for military is probably a reasonable estimate (if you throw in nuclear tesing in the energy budget and black budget spending on intelligence agencies).

-- Nathan

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