Russia, Putin, legislation

ChrisD(RJ) chrisd at
Sun May 12 06:15:11 PDT 2002

Also, the KPRF (along with the neoliberals in the Union of Right Forces, who are at their ideological antipode) was against the new immigration law that recently got passed.. For some reason the center was for it and it went through. It is now a lot harder to become a Russian citizen.

Chris Doss The Russia Journal ---------------------------- Date: Sun, 12 May 2002 12:15:56 +0400 From: "ChrisD(RJ)" <chrisd at> Subject: RE: Russia, Putin, legislation

Union of Councils for Soviet Jews: OFFICIAL ANTISEMITISM ENDORSED ... ... Mr. Zyuganov, while reprimanding Mr. Makashov for his "intemperance," stated in a press conference that there were not enough ethnic Russians on television, a

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Hardly simple racism. GZ is refering to the demographic crisis. The population of Russia is expected to drop by as much as 50 million by 2050.

Chris Doss The Russia Journal

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