Step One: Find someone with an ideology who has committed some heinous act. Step Two: Find some homology between that outlier's ideology and the act. Step Three: Suggest that the ideology caused the act, and that therefore anyone subscribing to that ideology is likely to act similarly.
My point was not that structural Marxists are particularly unstable, any more than Greens are! The point was that this is a cheap form of attack, though I suppose it's better when you're willing to fire at random rather than only targetting Greens.
>>> Jim at 05/12/02 12:56 PM >>>
Michael McIntyre <mmcintyr at> writes in reference to my posting on unstable greens:
"This compared to the noteworthy mental stability of structuralist Marxists!"
Can I refer Michael to the chapter on Althusser in my little book The Death of the Subject Explained? In it I relate his murder of his wife to his theory of the death of the subject. -- James Heartfield The 'Death of the Subject' Explained is available at GBP11.00, plus GBP1.00 p&p from Publications,, 8 College Close, Hackney, London, E9 6ER. Make cheques payable to 'Audacity Ltd'